All it takes to identify the computer programs which are Artificial
Intelligence is to give them a test and award AI to those that pass the test.
Let us say that the scores they earn at the test will be called IQ. We cannot
pinpoint a minimum IQ threshold that a program has to cover in order to be AI,
however, we will choose a certain value. Thus, our definition for AI will be
any program the IQ of which is above the chosen value. While this idea has
already been implemented in [3], here we will revisit this construct in order
to introduce certain improvements.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Definition of AI, IQ of AI.
We will use a test to determine what AI is. The test will produce a
certain score, and we say that this is the program’s IQ. Then we decide that
all computer programs the IQ of which is above a certain level satisfy the AI
In order to explain this concept, let us make an analogy with the
admission tests given to candidates who wish to become university students. The
problems given at the test are selected randomly, but all candidate students
receive the same problems. Withal, solving the problems should require logical
thinking, because we aim to enroll students who think logically rather than the
lucky ones that may hit the right answers haphazardly. The score is based on
the number of problems solved by each candidate student. We cannot say how many
problems should be solved, because we do not know how many candidates will show
up at the test, nor do we know how well or unwell they will perform. We may say
set a certain score (e.g. 4.50) and say that we intend to admit all candidates
who earn more than 4.50. However, it would be better to fix the minimum score
after the test is done. Then we will take the score earned by the n-th ranking
candidate (e.g. if n is 100 we take the score of the candidate whose score puts
him in the 100th position in the ranking and thus we enroll the top
100 candidates).
This analogy describes well the AI test, but when the candidates are
computer programs, we cannot select the 100 top performers, because in this
case there will be infinitely many candidates. A better analogy is perhaps a
recruitment contest for the CEO of a corporation with a test that drags on over
time. The test will stop when a candidate earns a sufficient number of points. How many points are enough?
While we may select a certain level in advance, we can adjust this level later
if the initial level turns out to be too low or too high.
A similar construct was already put forward in [3] whereby the various programs
were given different scores (IQÎ[0.1]). Here we will revisit this construct in order to
improve it. The reasons for which [3] needs improvement are:
1. In [3] we dealt concurrently with the
questions of ‘What is AI?’ and ‘How can we create AI?’. Mixing up ‘what’ and
‘how’ is not a good idea. Here we will reduce ourselves just to the ‘What is
AI?’ question and will not deal with how to find such a program.
2. In [3] we defined AI as a program and
here we will define AI as strategy. In [3] AI is a program and the world AI lives in is a
program, too. Thus we end up with two programs playing against each other,
which is somewhat perplexing. It is better to define AI as a strategy and have
a program playing against a strategy. Certainly, the strategy will be computable,
because it is finite. Our AI program will be any program which implements an AI
strategy for the first 1000 games. What the AI program does after 1000 games
will remain undetermined, however it is hoped that the program will continue to
behave intelligently thereafter.
3. In [3] the world was presented by
means of non-deterministic Turning machines. This is a futile complication. It
would have made sense if there were no relation between the individual games
and if the machine tape were erased (reset) after each game. And because the
tape is not erased, each next game depends on what happened in the previous
game (what has remained on the tape). For this reason we will use deterministic
Turing machines which are simpler, while the fact that they depend on what has
remained on the tape makes their behavior in the various games different (non-deterministic).
4. At each step we
have Action and Observation. Actions and Observations in [3] consisted of a
single symbol, while here the Action will consist of n symbols and the Observation will be of m symbols. We can certainly code multiple symbols into one,
but this will be at odds with the idea that unnecessary coding should be
avoided [6]. The world is
complicated and hard to understand enough. Adding one unnecessary coding will
make it even less understandable.
5. While in [3] it was assumed
that all moves are correct, here we will add the concept of incorrect move. On one side it is
important to assume that incorrect moves may exist. On the other side, this
will spare us the indiscriminate shutdowns of the Turing machine, which we did
in [3] in order to avoid
6. The Turing machine is
a theoretical model which does not need efficiency. Here we will harness this
model in real work and will therefore modify it in order to boost its
efficiency. The complication of the model is the price to be paid for the so
obtained higher efficiency.
7. In [3] we used the
Turing machine in order to describe a logical world. If it is computable it
should be logical. However, the world described by the Turing machine is not
very logical. Everything is recorded on a single tape and the program is not
structured at all. It jumps indiscriminately from one command to another
(‘spaghetti code’, as software engineers have tagged this pattern). The way such a program
operates is rather illogical and we will address this by adding subprograms and
more tapes so the machine becomes a multi-tape one.
8. In [3] we defined IQ as an
arithmetic mean which cannot be calculated precisely because of combinatorial
explosion. What we say there is that it can be calculated approximately through
a statistical sample. Here we will introduce the terms ‘Global IQ’ — which cannot
be calculated precisely, and ‘Local IQ’ — which is readily computable through a
specific statistical sample. The Local IQ will approach to the Global IQ when the
size of the statistical sample approaches to infinity. The set of worlds we use
for calculating the Global IQ is finite (enormous, but still finite).
Nevertheless, the size of the statistical sample can tend to infinity because
there may be repetitions in the sample (although repetitions are unlikely due
to the hugeness of the set from which the sample is recruited).
Related work
In [7], Turing
proposes his definition of AI (the “Turing
test”). The idea is that if a machine can
successfully imitate a human, then this machine is AI. In the Turing test, as
in our article, we have an exam and in order for a machine to be recognized as
AI, it has to pass the exam. One difference is that there is an interrogator
there, while we have a test with fixed tasks. That is, the Turing test is
subjective, which is why it is an informal definition of AI. However, the main
problem of Turing's definition is not in its subjectivity and informality, but
in the fact that it does not define an intellect, but something more. It
defines an educated intellect. For an intellect to pass the Turing test, it
must be educated. We can even assume it has an Anglo-Saxon education because if
it does not speak English it would not perform well on the test.
Intellect and
educated intellect are two different things, just like a computer without
software and a computer with software are two different things. If you ask a
mathematician what a computer is, he will answer you: “the Turing machine”. If you ask the same question to a child,
the child will answer: “A
computer is something that you can play games on, watch movies, etc.” That is, mathematicians perceive the
computer only as hardware, while the child perceives the computer as an
indivisible system of software and hardware. When Turing gave a definition of a
computer (the Turing machine), he described only the hardware, but when he
defined intellect, he described an indivisible system of intellect and
Despite the Turing test defines educated intellect,
Turing understands very
well the difference between educated
and uneducated intellect. In the end of [7] he asked the question:
“Instead of trying to produce a program to simulate the adult mind, why not
rather try to produce one which simulates the child's?”
The AI
definition we give in this article answers to this question. It does not
include education and the tasks in the test do not imply any preliminary
knowledge. That is, with every task we will assume that we are starting anew,
and that in the course of solving the task we are learning, i.e. we find
dependencies and learn from our mistakes.
In [8], McCarthy
says that the distinctive feature of AI is “the ability to achieve goals in the world”. We will not argue with McCarthy, but we
will only clarify what he has said. We will specify what a world is and what a
random world is and what are the goals
that AI needs to achieve. On this basis, we will create an IQ test where
programs that achieve more goals have a higher IQ.
McCarthy also says
that there is no “definition of
intelligence that does not depend on how it relates to human intelligence.” Indeed, in this article we calculate the
value of IQ without being related to human intelligence, but to say if a
program is AI, we have to say what the minimum for the IQ is. For this minimum,
we chose the number 0.7. This number is arbitrarily chosen and we will change
it if this level turns out to be much lower or much higher than the IQ of the human.
That is, in our definition human intellect is also used, but this is only for
comparison and we use it only to determine one special constant.
Yet another question
McCarthy asks is: “Can we ask a yes or no question? Is this machine
intelligent?” The answer is “no” and we fully agree because we do not known what
the minimum for the IQ is.
However, we will
not agree with McCarthy's answer to his next question. He asks: “Do computer
programs have IQs?” And he answers with “no”. In this article, as in [3], we’ve
showed that IQ can be defined for programs. With his answer McCarthy probably
wanted to say that IQ tests for people are not suitable for computer programs.
The test we offer is not for people but for programs.
In some articles
(for example, in [9]), the question is how to create a program that can solve
IQ tests designed for humans. In our article, the issue we are dealing with is
the opposite one. Here we create IQ tests designed for programs (for
strategies). The tests we will offer will not be suitable for humans, although
it is possible for a human to learn to solve them after some training. The
trained human will note down what has happened and will analyze to find
dependencies. The untrained human will not note down and will not be able to
notice the dependencies unless they are presented in visual form or in other way
which is convenient for perceiving by a human.
It is very
difficult to think of a human as a strategy for the following reasons. First,
humans are not deterministic, that is, they do not implement a deterministic strategy.
(A human can be seen as a not deterministic strategy or as a set of strategies
from which one is randomly chosen.) Secondly, it is unclear how much time we
have given the human to make a move. Third, it is unclear how seriously the
human will approach the task (if he approaches more seriously, he will get a
better result). Fourthly, humans are always trained and never start from
scratch. Even a newborn baby has gone through some training in the mother's
womb. Therefore, when a human implements a strategy, the outcome largely
depends on his education, training, experience.
In [10], Detterman
threatens to “develop a unique battery of intelligence tests” that will be able
to measure the IQ of computer programs. In this article, as in [3], we do not
threaten, but we are creating such a test.
It is a bit
confusing that Detterman uses “computer” when he means “the system comprising
of a computer and a program”. It is better to call this system a program
because when we know the program, it's not very important which computer we'll
run it on because the difference between two computers is only in their speed.
Conversely, if we run two different programs on one computer, the difference in
their behaviour will be enormous.
Detterman intends
to test computer programs by using IQ tests for people. That is, he, just like
Turing, does not make a distinction between intellect and educated intellect.
Therefore, Detterman's test will not provide time to learn, but will assume
that the computer program that is being tested has been pre-trained.
Detterman relies
on the fact that computers are better than people in finding factual
information. This is an ability of computers that is not directly related to
the intellect. Similarly, computers are very powerful in arithmetic operations,
but that does not make them smart.
There is one thing
in which we agree with Detterman. He notes that with hoc algorithms many tasks
can be solved, but the real intellect must be able to find the solution on its own.
In [11], the
authors set the ambitious task of developing an IQ test that is appropriate for
both AI and humans, and for programs like Siri and AlphaGo that are not AI. We
can not compare AI with programs that are not AI because the first is a program
that can be trained for a random task and the second is a program written for a
specific task. For example, how do I compare a chess program with AI? The only
thing a program designed to play chess can do is to play chess while AI can do
everything although not immediately but after being trained. That is, the only
way to compare these two programs is to let them play chess, and the chess
program will have an advantage because AI will waste time learning, while its
opponent would not need to learn how to play chess because it knows how to do
it. If we compare the chess program with AI which is trained to play chess then
the first program would still have some advantage over AI, just like the
specialized hardware (i.e., hardware made specially designed for a particular
task) takes precedence over a computer program running on a computer. That is,
the idea of comparing AI with programs that are not AI is not good.
The authors of
[11] refer to concepts such as: abilities to acquire, master, create, and feedback
knowledge. It is like explaining a term whose meaning we do not know by means
of other terms whose meaning we do not know.
[12] discusses
very comprehensively and competently how AI's IQ is measured. Also in [12], a very good
overview of the different works devoted to this topic has been made. One minor disadvantage
of [12] is that there is some controversy there. On the one hand, the article
says “IQ tests are not for machines yet”. On the other hand, in earlier
articles by Orallo [13, 14] a formal definition of AI based on the IQ test is
given. It seems like Orallo is taking a step back and relinquishes the previous
results. Another contradiction in [12] is that, on the one hand, it says “human
IQ tests are not for machines”. This is something we fully agree with, as we
agree with the arguments that accompany this statement. On the other hand, in
the same article, the authors say they agree with Detterman that “there is a
better alternative: test computers on human intelligence tests”.
In [12], as well
as in [11], a universal IQ is sought, which is applicable to all programs and
even to humans. Here we differ from the authors of [11, 12]. We have already
explained why it is not a good idea to compare AI with programs that are not
AI. We also explained why it is not a good idea to use the same tests for AI
and for
Article [13] is of
significant importance because this is the first article that talks about a
formal definition of AI, and this is also the first article introducing the IQ
test for AI. Indeed in [13] this test is called C-test, but it is explicitly
said that it is an IQ test for AI. We have to apologize for omitting to quote [13] in [3]. This is an omission
that we are now correcting.
Despite the
seriousness and comprehensiveness of [13], there are some inaccuracies that we
have to mark. The fact that we pay attention to some
omissions and inaccuracies in [13] does not in any way mean that we
underestimate the significance of this article. There are no perfect articles,
and inaccuracies can be found in any article. Usually the first article that
appears in a new area is slightly confused and unclear. Normally, in later
articles, things get clearer and more precise.
The most serious
inaccuracy of [13] is that it does not define AI but something else. We will
call that another thing an “observer”. We could say that an observer is a
program that has only input and no output, but that would be too restrictive.
That is why we will say that an observer is a program whose output does not affect
the state of the world but the output can influence the reward that the program will receive.
An example of an
observer is when we play on the stock market with a virtual wallet. We do not
influence stock prices because we do not play with real money. (Even if we
played with real money, it can still be assumed that our actions do not affect
the stock exchange, because when playing with small amounts our influence is
negligible.) When playing with a virtual wallet, at every step we change our investment
portfolio and after each step the value of the portfolio changes depending on
the change in stock prices. The reward
we receive will be our virtual
profit or loss.
The fact that the
program defined in [13] can not influence the world is substantial problem,
because as people say: "You have to touch to learn". There are other
proverbs that say that we can not learn by watching only. By depriving AI of
the opportunity to experiment, we are seriously restricting it.
In [5] it is noted that there are two
problems that AI needs to solve. The first
is to understand the world (to build a model of the world), and the second
problem is to plan its actions based on the chosen model. That is, the “observer” solves only the first problem without
solving the latter.
In [13] the definition is limited to
“observers”, but to give the term “observer” a definition is a task
sufficiently meaningful by itself because it is half of the things AI needs to
do. Unfortunately, this task is not fully solved because the observer
defined in [13] is a little more special. It
either understands the world wholly or not at all. That is, it is observer who works on the principle “all or
[13] suggests random strings, which
can be continued in only one possible way. That is, it is
supposed that there is a single simple dependence and this dependence will
either be found or will not be found. This
approach is too restrictive because it implies only observers who understand
the world completely. This is only possible in
very simple worlds. Any more complex world can
not be fully understood and that’s why it has to be understood only partially.
The authors of [13] are making
serious efforts to make the dependencies exceptions-free. The definition
of exception-free given in [13] is very interesting. However, we would not go that way because if dependencies
included exceptions, that would be a way to allow a partial understanding of
the world. Seeking a single exception-free dependence
to describe everything is the reason why the observer defined in [13] relies on
the “all or nothing” principle.
We have a few other minor
recommendations for [13].
We give some time to AI to find
dependence. The question is whether we will give this time at once or we
will distribute it in many steps. In general, AI
is searching for dependencies throughout its entire live. That is, in many steps. In
[13], dependency is sought in just one step. In
our article, we assume that in life the steps are approx. one million (a
thousand games with a thousand steps each one). This
means that we must give the program, which is defined in [13], a million times
longer time. Our recommendation is for
dependences to be sought after each step, not only after the last one.
In [13] we do not like also the fact
that the program that generates the test is not working due to combinatorial
explosion. This is the program called “The Generator”. That is, [13] does not present a test, but only shows that
such a test exists theoretically.
Yet another problem is that two
restrictions have been imposed. When the “observer” makes a prediction, it must
bet all on single result only and always bet the same amount. It would be better to have the freedom to bet on more than
one result, and to decide what amount to bet. When
we are more confident we bet more, and when we hesitate, we bet less or we
pass. These two limitations do not change things
fundamentally, because the smart will prove to be smart even with these
limitations, but that blurs the picture. If
there were no such restrictions, the difference between the IQ of the clever
and the stupid would be greater.
We also do not like the fact that
the more complex tasks in the [13] have a greater weight than the simpler ones,
when it should be the opposite. (There is a coefficient e, which is
assumed to be non-negative and would be better to be negative.) It is true that
when we make a test we give more points to the more difficult tasks, but that's
because we suppose that students will lose more time on the more difficult
task. This is not the case here. Here, for every task we give
the same time. Therefore, if a simple task can
not be solved, it is a serious problem and this should be reflected in the
score. Moreover, sometimes we will guess the
solution of a difficult problem randomly, so those must be given less weight,
otherwise they will result in undeserved rise in the IQ.
We have the concepts of global and
local IQ (these two concepts are defined in our article). Global IQ
is something accurate that can not be accurately calculated (because of a
combinatorial explosion). Local IQ is not
something accurate because it depends on the choice of the specific tasks in
the test, but for specific tasks it can be easily and accurately calculated.
What is defined in [13] is local IQ, not global IQ.
However, let's not forget that the local IQ approaches
the global IQ, but [13] says nothing about the “nerd” program, which is the
main problem of local IQ.
How are we to correct the definition
given in [13] in order to get a definition of the observer that does not follow
the principle “all or nothing”?
Instead of taking a special k-comprehensible
sequence, we will take a totally random program and the sequence that this
random program generates. Instead of predicting the next symbol a single
time, we will predict it at every step. We will
not bet everything on a single prediction, but we will allow the bet to be
divided between several predictions. We will
also allow the bet to be different. (For
example, we will assume that the sum of bets for the last five steps is limited
to a given constant, but that we have the freedom to choose when to bet.) The reward
to a sequence will be the sum of the rewards of all steps. Local IQ will be the arithmetic mean of the rewards to the
sequences we have included in the test.
In this way, we will not want the
“observer” to understand the world completely because it can grasp some
dependencies and thus, through a partial understanding of the world, get a relatively
high IQ.
A problem with [13] is that the
program it defines is actually the program [1]. This is a simple
program that predicts the next symbol on the basis of the simplest dependency
that can generate the beginning of the sequence.
I even dare go a bit further and
say: No program satisfying the definition given in [13] is better than [1]. That none
is better as a result is clear, but I say that even as a matter of efficiency
none is better because the definition in [13] does not give us any
opportunities to play tricks and discover dependencies partially (step by step),
leaving us the only option to foolishly go through all possible dependencies.
Interestingly, in his more recent
articles Orallo (as in [14]) has obviously understood the main omission made in
[13], and what he defines there is no longer an “observer” but a program that
can influence the world. Unfortunately this program is not AI again.
[14] defines a program that plays a game which consists
in going round a labyrinth (graph) by chasing something good and running away
from something bad. To play this game one
definitely needs intelligence, but the program playing this game is not AI just
like the program playing chess is not AI.
Again in [14] the
authors speak of reinforcement learning. That is, it is clear that they know
very well what the general form of AI is. Why, then, do they not use this general
form, but restrict themselves to the worlds of one specific game? I think the reason
is that they are trying to avoid the worlds where fatal errors are possible.
The problem with fatal errors is mentioned even in [2], but fatal errors are
not really a problem. We humans also live in a world with fatal errors, but
that does not prevent us showing who does better and who does worse. Well yes,
it's a problem for people because we live only one life, but the IQ test
consists of many tasks, each of which is a separate life. Even if fatal errors
occur in several lives, this will not significantly affect the average score.
Even with humans, life is not just one. From the point of view of the
individual, life is one, but from the point of view of evolution, lives are
many. Some of our heirs will die because of fatal mistakes, but others will survive.
Thus the average score of our successors will not be significantly affected by
the fact that some of them have made fatal errors.
It is true that in
this article, as in [3], we also do not use a random world, but we only take
computable worlds, but this constraint is not essential, because every
time-limited world is computable, and we can easily assume that all worlds are
limited in time. That is, by limiting ourselves to the computable worlds, we
are not limited at all, but only give more weight to the worlds that are
simpler (according to Kolmogorov complexity).
In [14] there is
one more thing we do not agree with. This is something called the “discount-rate
factor”. Of course, this is not something conceived by the authors of [14], but
is something widespread among people working in the field of reinforcement
learning. The idea of the “discount-rate factor” is that the past is more
important than the future. Life is potentially endless, and to evaluate an
endless life, we have to devalue the future. However, the past being more
important than the future is not a good idea. It would be better to do the
opposite, because in the past we have not yet been trained, and in the future
we have already been trained. With humans, we do not count how many times a
person wet his bed while he was a baby. Instead, we see what achievements the
person has attained in his adult age. Therefore, the approach we have adopted
in [3] and this article is that there is no “discount-rate factor” but life is
limited. In other words, the approach here and in [3] is that the discount-rate
factor to be equal to one until a given moment in time (the end of life) and to
be zero from that moment on.
Formulation of the problem
Let us have a Device which lives in a certain World. At each step the Device
produces n symbols (this is the Action)
and then receives m symbols from the
outer world (in our terminology the first one will be ‘Reward’ and the
remaining m-1 symbols will be ‘Observation’).
The Reward can have five possible values: {nothing, victory, loss, draw, incorrect_move}.
We will use the words ‘move’ and ‘action’ interchangeably. If we
perceive life as a game it is more appropriate to say move rather than action.
Likewise, we will use the words ‘history’ and ‘life’ as synonyms.
Let one step of the Device be a triple consisting of <Action, Reward,
Observation>. The ‘life’ of the Device will be a sequence of steps resulting
from the interaction of the Device with some World.
‘Real life’ will be life without incorrect moves. Therefore, all <Action,
Reward, Observation>. triples where the Reward value is ‘incorrect_move’ must be removed
from the life and what remains is the real life.
A ‘moment’ will be a sequence of steps where the last step before the
sequence and the last step of the sequence are correct and all steps in between
are incorrect. That is, in life there
may be more steps than moments, but in real
life the number of steps is equal to the number of moments.
We will assume that the behavior of the Device and of the World is
deterministic. In other
words, we will assume that if we know which is the Device and which is the World
then we know which is the history.
The behavior of the Device can be presented as a strategy, i.e. as a
function which defines the next move of the Device for each start of life.
Likewise, the World’s behavior can be presented as a strategy which for each
start of life and for each Action of the Device delivers the Reward and the Observation
which the Device will get at the next step. It should be noted that the World’s
strategy does not depend on incorrect moves. Hence, we can imagine the strategy
of the World as a function of real life. Conversely, the strategy of the Device
will depend on incorrect moves (these moves will provide additional information
for the Device to use).
The Device and the World can be thought as two strategies playing
against one another, but that would not be accurate, because the Device has an
objective and the World has not. Therefore, the World does not play against the
Device. We assume that the World is simply there and does not care whether the Device
feels good or bad.
Presenting both the World and the Device as strategies is not a very
good idea, because a strategy remembers everything (i.e. depends on entire life
until the moment). It makes sense to
assume that the Device may not necessarily remember everything. A similar
statement can be made in respect of the World. There may be a world the entire
past of which (previous life until the current moment) can be reconstructed out
of its internal state. It may be, however, that the world does not remember
everything, which leaves us that two different histories can lead to the same internal
state of the world. This is the reason why, we will present the Device and the World
as functions.
Let us have two sets, Q and S. These
will be the sets of the internal states of the Device and of the World. These sets will be finite or
countable, at the most. Let q0 and s0 be the initial states of the Device and of the World.
We will assume that these states are fixed, because life will depend on the
initial states we start from, but we want life to depend only on the Device and
on the World.
The Device and the World will be the following functions:
Device: Q´Rewards´ Observations´2 Actions ® Actions´Q
World: S´Actions ® Rewards´Observations´S
For each Internal State of the Device, Reward, Observation and Set of Moves
which are confirmed as incorrect at the moment, the Device function will
return an Action and a new State of the Device. We will assume that the Device never returns an Action which is
confirmed as incorrect at the moment.
The Internal State of the Device will reflect everything the Device has
remembered. What can it have remembered? It can remember everything that has
happened until the moment plus its last Action. That is why our expression is Actions´Q, rather than Q´Actions. We wish to stress that the Internal
State of the Device can remember the last Action.
For each Internal State of the World and Action, the World function will return a Reward, Observation
and a new Internal State of the
World. It makes sense to assume that there are moments (Internal States of the World) in which a specific action is
impossible or incorrect. It is natural to assume, therefore, that the World
function is a partial one. We will supplement the definition of the function so
as to accommodate those moments as well, and in this way will extend the
function to a total one. In these moments Reward will equal incorrect_move, the Observation value will be irrelevant and the new internal state will
be the same as the previous one although this is irrelevant, too.
The Internal State of the World will reflect what the World has
remembered. What can it have remembered? It can remember everything that has
happened until the moment plus the last Reward and Observation. That is why our
expression is Rewards´Observations´S, rather than S´Rewards´Observations. We wish to stress that the
new Internal State can remember the last Reward and Observation.
In [2] and [3] we
defined the new <Reward, Observation> as a function of the new internal
state. So we assumed that they must
be remembered, but now we dispense of this requirement. Let us take a world in
which we play chess. The chess game ends and the new internal state of the
world is a chessboard with the initial lineup. In this case we do not have to remember
who won the last game. Such requirement would be one unnecessary care.
This is how the life of the Device looks like:
<a1, r1,
o1>, <a2, r2, o2>, …, <at-1,
rt-1, ot-1>
Let us see how the Device and the World function define life.
<ai+1, qi+1>=
Device(qi-j, ri-j, oi-j, incorrect_actionsi)
<ri+1, oi+1,
si+1>=World(si-j, ai+1)
In this case, i-j is the last correct
step before i+1. The incorrect_actionsi set contains the
confirmed incorrect actions at this moment. The set has j elements. Therefore, incorrect_actionsi ={ai-j+1, …, ai}. The incorrect_actions0 set will be an empty set, because
there will not be any confirmed incorrect actions in the first moment before
the first step is made.
In order to define life, we must fix the first Reward and the first
Observation (r0, o0). We do not wish life to depend on the first Reward and
the first Observation, so decide that the value of all symbols of these two
vectors is nothing. This is a
sensible decision, because it is quite natural that in the first moment we do
not get any reward and do not see anything significant (i.e. what we see in the
first moment is the zero step). We will not define the zero action a0,
because we do not use it.
Now that we have fixed (q0, s0, r0, o0, incorrect_actions0) we can build life up to step t and this life will
depend only on the functions Device and World.
<a1, r1, o1>, <a2, r2, o2>, …, <at-1, rt-1, ot-1>
In addition to life, we will also construct the series of internal
states of the Device and of the World, as well as the incorrect_actionsi series of confirmed
incorrect moves at the relevant moment. Let us note that at each given moment
there may be many incorrect actions, but the confirmed ones are only those
which we have tried and have thus verified that they are indeed incorrect at
that moment.
We will assume that the Device function always returns a move which is not confirmed
as incorrect. The opposite will lead to cycling. What shall we do if all moves turn
out to be confirmed incorrect moves? (I.e. if incorrect_actionsi coincides with the entire Actions set.) In this case we
will assume that the Device function
is not defined. This is the case when we end up in a blind alley and there are
no possible next moves.
Note: The definitions of Device as a function and as a strategy are almost
identical save that if we consider Device as a strategy, the order in
which we tried the incorrect moves may matter at some moments, while in the
function definition it would not matter. This difference can be resolved in two
ways. The first one: when defining a function, instead of the set of confirmed
incorrect moves we take the list of these moves. The second one is to limit our
exercise only to those strategies which are insensitive to the order in which
we tried the incorrect moves. In this study it would not matter what happens if
the strategy tries the incorrect moves in another order, because we assume the
strategy to be deterministic and the order in which it tries the incorrect
moves is fixed.
Note: We assume here that when we try
to play an incorrect move nothing happens and all we get is information that
the move has been incorrect. We can let the Device check whether a move is correct
or not even without necessarily playing that move (as we have done in previous studies).
In this case we need to modify the formulation of the problem and add an
additional reward correct_move. The Device
function will need one more argument containing the confirmed correct moves.
When we try a confirmed correct move we will assume that we shall play this
move. Where a move is not in the set of confirmed correct moves, then we assume
that we only try it. The World
function will have another Boolean parameter to indicate whether the move is
actually played or just tried. In the latter case, the function will return
either correct_move or incorrect_move rewards. Then the move will
not be played but will only be added to the next set of confirmed correct or
confirmed incorrect moves.
A game will be a stretch of life located between two consecutive final
rewards. In our terminology, ‘final rewards’ stands for the values {victory, loss, draw}. We will assume that the
length of each game is limited to 1000 moves (i.e. 1000 moments, while the
number of steps may be greater because of incorrect moves).
We will define which strategy is an AI strategy and our definition will
depend on a number of parameters. We will fix the values of the majority of these
parameters to one thousand, because 1000 is a nice round number. Another good
round number is one million. Replacing one thousand with one million would
produce another AI definition, which will not be much different from the one we
are dealing with.
Number of Action symbols
Number of Observation symbols
Number of symbols possible for each Action symbol
k1, …, kn,
ki ≥ 2.
Number of symbols possible for each Reward and Observation symbol
kn+1, …, kn+m,
ki ≥ 2, kn+1=5.
Tape symbols count
![]() |
Global tapes count
7 (from 3 to 9)
Internal states count
Test worlds count
Maximum number of games per life
Maximum number of moves per game
Maximum number of Turing machine steps per one life step
Probability by means of which the machine is generated
![]() |
Minimum IQ
required for a strategy to be recognized as AI
0.7 =
The first four rows of the table above provide the parameters which
describe the AI input and output. They tell us what the format of the sought AI
is. Thus, we cannot vary these parameters randomly. The next eight parameters
influence the choice of worlds selected for the test and, therefore, influence
the IQ we get, and thus the AI definition as such. The last parameter also
influences the definition. This means that if we varied the last nine
parameters we would also vary the AI definition.
The table does not include other parameters which also influence the AI
definition. For example, it does not say which pseudorandom numbers generator we
will use in order to select the test worlds. Thankfully this parameter’s
bearing on the definition is insignificant.
The possible symbols for the i-th Action symbol will range from 0 to ki-1. Likewise, the
possible symbols for the i-th Observation symbol will range from 0 to k n+1+i-1. Let us call the 0
symbol ‘nothing’. The first
Observation symbol will be the Reward. When it comes to the Reward, we will
name the symbols 1, 2, 3 as ‘victory’, ‘loss’, ‘draw’, and these will be the
final rewards. The reward 4 (incorrect move) will not be returned by the Turing
machine as a result of the invocation of the command q1. This
reward will be returned only when Turing goes cycling (makes more than 1000
steps without reaching a final state) or crashes (e.g. invokes a return command when the stack is empty).
The tape symbols will be as many as needed for coding the Action and the
Observation. I.e. the maximum ki for i from 1 to n+m. To that we will add
another 10 utility symbols the first of which will be empty symbol l.
How will the test work?
We will select 1000 worlds for the test. In each of these 1000 worlds,
the candidate will live one life consisting of not more than 1000 games.
Finally we will calculate the number of victories, losses and draws. This will
give us an IQ, which is an arithmetic mean where victory is 1, loss is 0 and
draw is 1/2.
We will pick the worlds randomly, but we want the selected worlds to be
fixed, so we will use pseudorandom selection by setting the pseudorandom
generator to 1 before starting the selection process. Thus we will always use
the same worlds in the test.
In many of the generated worlds we will win every time or we will loss
every time (doesn’t matter what we do). It is meaningless to include such
worlds in the test so we will discard all of them from test. Thus we will be
left with 1000 meaningful worlds.
What is a World?
In newspapers one can come across problems such as ‘Which is the next
number in the series?’ If all possible series are equally probable, the next
number may be any one. When looking for the next number in a series we assume
that simpler series are more probable than more complex series. We therefore
use the principle known as ‘Occam’s razor’.
The situation with worlds is similar. If we perceive the world as a strategy and all
strategies are equally probable, then there is no way we can tell the future
and a basis for preferring one move over another is lacking. We will therefore
apply Occam’s razor to the worlds and will assume that more simple worlds are
more probable. What makes one world simpler than another world? We will use the
Kolmogorov complexity. That said, if the world is a strategy, the more simple
strategy is the one which is generated by a Turing machine with less states.
We have limited the life so all strategies are finite. Therefore, all strategies are
computable. So we will assume that a world is some Turing machine which
calculates some strategy.
Which will be the set of all worlds?
The set will be limited to Turing machines with 1000 states. This set
includes machines with less than 1000 states, because each machine can be
filled up with unreachable states. Turing machines which use more than 1000 states (and
cannot be simplified) will be excluded from the set. We will consider these
worlds as too complex and will accordingly exclude them from the definition.
The result is a huge set of strategies (worlds). The more simple strategies
here will bear more weight (will be more probable), because there are generated
by more Turing machines (from the set).
Furthermore, we will assign some weight to each Turing machine. Hence we
will prefer some machines over others. For example, if a machine tends to use more states
with lower numbers, we will prefer it to the one which uses more states with
higher numbers.
There are two reasons why we assign different weights to the different
Turing machines. The first one is that we give more weight to more simple
machines (e.g. the ones with less reachable states are simpler). The second
reason is that we wish to randomly generate a machine which works, and this is
very difficult. The machines which have a greater chance of being working ones
will have more weight, therefore we increase the probability of selecting these
machines and accordingly our chances of hitting a working machine.
The weight of a machine is equal to the probability of this machine to
be selected by us. We will not calculate this probability. That would be a
rather difficult calculation. We simply select a machine randomly and by this
selection we induce probability as a parameter of the formula. That is, the
probability will not be calculated when the Local IQ is calculated. When
calculate the Global IQ, we should consider all Turing machines in order to
calculate the success rate of the Device with any of these machines and the
probability that this very machine is selected. We have to multiply these
numbers and sum up the values for all machines. This is an impossible
calculation because of combinatorial explosion. The fact that we complicate the
calculation by adding the calculation of probabilities is not a problem. We do
not change anything in this way. While the Global IQ remains theoretically computable,
in practice it is still uncomputable, even more uncomputable than before.
How to calculate the IQ of a particular computer program?
We may say that the IQ is the arithmetic mean of success rates of all
worlds. (Note that the worlds are not equally probable and we need to multiply
the success rate by the probability (weight) of each world.)
We will call the so obtained IQ a Global IQ. The Global IQ definition is
very nice save that Global IQ cannot be calculated. To be precise, it can be
calculated in theory, but not in practice because of the huge number of worlds
which we have assumed to be possible.
Nevertheless, we can still calculate the Global IQ by approximation
using statistical methods. We will select randomly 1000 worlds and will
calculate the arithmetic mean for these worlds. The result obtained would be
close to the Global IQ.
The problem with this approach is that different selections of test
worlds will yield different Global IQ approximations. What we need is a program
which awards to the candidate the IQ this candidate deserves, withal it must be
a specific value rather than an approximation of something else. Hence we will
fix the randomly selected 1000 worlds and will say that the Local IQ is the
average success rate across these 1000 worlds. (In this case different worlds
will not have different weights, because the weight is already accounted for in
the selection of test worlds. The more weighty ones are more likely to be
The idea of fixing the randomly selected worlds is tantamount to giving
the same problems to all candidate students.
The Local IQ is an easily computable function and describes well our
understanding of what IQ is.
There is just one problem. There is one program which we will call a ‘crammer’.
This program is designed specifically for the 1000 test worlds and its Local IQ
is very high, but its Global IQ is low. How should we resolve this issue? We
will use the Local IQ in order to find the AI. When we hit a program with a
very high Local IQ and suspect that this program is a crammer, we will give it
additional problems, so that we calculate a second local IQ. This means that we
will take the next 1000 random worlds and derive another arithmetic mean from
these worlds. We can go on with a third and fourth Local IQ.
How does Turing machine make a move?
We present the world as a Turing machine. Thus, our machine must take Actions as inputs and
deliver Observations as outputs.
The first m+1 states of the machine will be
special. The qm+1 state will be the
initial and the final state of the machine. In states q1 to qm we will use in
order to output the Observation symbols.
When the machine makes its first move, all tapes will be empty (i.e.
they will be covered with the l symbol). The first running tape will be
No 3 (Nos. 0, 1 and 2 are reserved for utility
Turing machine will make a move by starting from the initial state qm+1 and finishing in
the same state (which is also the final state). In the beginning of the move, a
word of n symbols (the Action word)
will be recorded on the current tape under the head of the machine (anything
previously written in the first n
symbols on the tape before the recording of the word will be deleted).
At every step it will be observed if the states q1 to qm
are called up. When these states are called up, the Observation symbols will be
outputted. If the qi state is called several times within one
move, only the first call will be considered. If it is not called up at all,
the i-th Observation symbol will be nothing. If it is called up at least
once, i-th Observation symbol will be
the value of the ‘head memory’ at the moment following the first call on the qi
state. If the i-th Observation letter
is too big (equals or exceeds the kn+i), the machine will crash in a
cycling-like fashion.
Incorrect moves
When the Turing machine fails to make a move because it goes cycling or crashes
for some other reason, we will deem that the input Action entered at the start
of the move is incorrect or impossible. In this case we go back and try to
enter another Action. More precisely, it is not us who go back, instead we will
turn back the world (the Turing machine). We give the Device an incorrect
_move reward
and take the next move the Device chooses to give us. We continue with this
move as if the Device has played it instead of the incorrect move. (If the
Device plays the same incorrect move, we disqualify it because it cannot try
the same move twice in a single moment.)
Taking the Turing machine back is a perfectly natural operation. All we
need is to memorize the total state of the machine before the start of the
move. If we reconstruct this total state, we can enter another Action and
continue was if it were the first action we ever tried.
Another approach was applied in [3], where it was assumed that all moves
are correct and the cycling problem was resolved by aborting the execution of
the program, awarding a utility draw and restarting the program from its
initial state. With this type of restart the tape remains in the state it was
at the time of abortion. This is very poor practice. You will know that to turn
down your PC you should enter the ‘Shut Down’ command. The other option is to
pull the plug off the socket, but this will leave the hard disk in the state it
was when the plug was pulled off. This treatment would make your PC behave in a
bizarre and illogical manner. The same can be said when a Turing machine is shut
down randomly and then restarted from its initial state. We want the world to
be as logical as possible and take care to avoid these abortions.
Now that we have opened the gate for incorrect moves, we should know
what to do when all moves are incorrect. Let us assume that we have about 100
possible Actions. We try them all and all of them prove to be incorrect. So we
will say that we have ended in a blind alley with no way out.
If life is the sequence of 1000 games, then life ends with a natural
death after 1000 games or with a sudden death (blind alley). How to reward a
life that ends prematurely? We can reward only the games played until death. Then
our AI strategy will prefer to commit a suicide (enter a blind alley) as soon
as it realizes that things in the current life have gone wrong and only losses
lie ahead.
We do not want suicidal AI strategies and will therefore opt for another
solution. When a strategy is caught in a blind alley, we shall say that all
remaining games up to 1000 are losses. This will provide assurance that the
strategy will not go in blind alley on its own will, but will keep fighting to
the end.
Will the strategy realize that it is entering a blind alley? One cannot
learn this by trial and error because you fall in a blind alley just once. But,
if the strategy is very smart, it may be able to predict that some blind alley is
forthcoming. For example, if the number of possible moves is decreasing, this
is not a good sign, because in the end of the day one may run out of possible
moves and enter in a blind alley. People can be another example. Let us have
someone who has never died. He or she has no experience of their own but can
still predict a few potentially fatal situations.
We penalize beating around the bush
We said that a game cannot be longer than 1000 moves. What shall we do
if a game continues for more than 1000 moves? We shall then award a utility
draw. Note than by doing
so we do not interfere in the workings of the Turing machine as it continues to
play the same game. The intervention concerns only the strategy, because it
will get a draw reward when the world
(Turing machine) has awarded nothing.
The fact that we do not abort the machine guarantees that the machine will
maintain its logical behavior.
If another 1000 moves are played without a final reward, we award a
utility loss. That is, we
penalize strategies which kick the can down the road. We want an AI strategy
which aims to close the game quickly and start the next one.
By penalizing early death and procrastination we vary the IQ of the random
strategy. If we play heads or tails, the expected IQ is 1/2. To earn a higher
IQ one must purposefully aim to win. For a lower IQ, one must purposefully aim
to lose. By declaring all post-death games lost, we reduce the IQs of all
strategies. Similarly, the inclusion of utility losses will lead to a likewise
reduction. This solution means that the IQ of the random strategy will be less
than 1/2.
We will be able to calculate the exact IQ value of a random strategy
once we write the program which calculates the Local IQ. Naturally, a random strategy
is non-deterministic meaning that we should test it a few times and take the
mean value. Hence, the IQ of the random strategy will be an approximate value. Only
deterministic strategies have exact Local and Global IQ values.
More logical and more efficient Turing machine
As announced already, we will redefine the Turing machine in order to
make it more logical and more efficient. To this end, we will make Turing a
multi-tape machine and will enable it call subprograms.
Why would such a machine deliver a more logical world?
First, it is the multiple tapes of the machine. It is legitimate to present
the state of the world as a Cartesian product of many parameters which are in
weak correlation with one another. That is why a multi-tape Turing machine
produces a more logical model of the world than the single-tape machine.
Second, the machine will have subprograms which can be called up from
many points. This is more logical than calling a different subprogram each
time. When no stack is in place, we have to remember where we should go back
after the subprogram is executed. To this end, each subprogram should be called
up from one point only (otherwise it will not know where to go back).
When we invoke a subprogram we give it a clean tape so it can write its
intermediate results. In the opposite case the subprogram will have to use for
this one of the common tapes and this will largely frustrate its logic due to
the weird interactions that will occur among different calls of the subprogram.
Why would this machine make less steps and have less internal states?
Higher efficiency means less steps and, more importantly, less internal
states. It is important that the steps are not too many, because a machine
making more than 1000 steps per move will be presumed to be in a cycling
situation and will be stopped. It is also important that internal states are
not too many, because we have limited our set to machines having less than 1000
states. Hence our machine should preferably use less states.
Having multiple tapes in the machine means there will be less steps,
because a single tape will force the head make a lot of movements in order to
write intermediate results. It would be easier to write these results on
another tape.
More significantly, we will reduce the number of internal states of the
machine. A classical Turing machine uses a huge number of internal states (it
memorizes everything that needs to be memorized in its internal state). For example, when a
subprogram has been called up we must remember where the subprogram was called
from (where it must return). If we want to move a symbol from one place to
another we must remember which symbol we have pulled up.
Thus, we complicate the Turing machine so that, in addition to its internal
state, it should also remember which is the running tape, the stack index (for
subprograms) and a ‘head memory’ symbol.
A stacked Turing machine
How would the program of this machine look like? It will be a table of 1000 x MaxSymbols, where 1000 are the possible commands and MaxSymbols are the possible
symbols. In each field of the table there will be five commands.
The first command is ‘Write on tape’
(unchanged, previous
value of the head memory, concrete symbol)
The second command is ‘Change the head memory’
(unchanged, previous
value of the symbol on tape, concrete symbol)
The third command is ‘Move head’
Three possible values:
(left, right, stay
The fourth command is ‘Subprogram’
There are two fields:
‘State’, the value of which is in the interval [0, 1000] (where 0 is the command NULL).
‘New current tape’, the value of which is in the interval [0, 9] (where 0 is the previous current
tape, 1 is the current tape of the parent program, 2 is the temporary tape
created especially for this invocation of the subprogram and 3—9 are the global
The fifth command is ‘Next state’
The value is in the interval [0, 1000] (where 0 is the command return).
When a subprogram is called up, what do we write in the stack? Three
things: where shall we go back after return
(the fifth command), which is the previous current tape (so that we recover it
after return) and which temporary
tape is created especially for this invocation of the subprogram. The new temporary tape should
also be written somewhere. Let it not be in the stack, but somewhere else. When
the return command is executed, the
corresponding temporary tape will be destroyed.
Populating the table
In order to create a random Turing machine, we must populate 1000 x MaxSymbols with random commands. Before
we do that let us say how a random command is selected. We must generate 6
numbers (the fourth command has two fields). These numbers may be equally
probable, but we prefer smaller numbers to be more probable than larger
numbers. Why would we prefer so? Because if all states are equally probable,
the program will be stretched over multiple different states, while we wish
certain states to be used more frequently than others. Likewise, we want some
tapes to be used more often than others. This also applies to utility symbols
(but does not apply to non-utility ones).
How shall we select a number from 0 to k with a decreasing probability? Let us toss a coin
and if it is heads we select with a probability of 1/2 the number 0, if it is
tails we toss again and if we get heads we select with a probability of 1/2 the
number 1 and so forth. If do not get any heads all the way to k, we restart
from 0.
A probability of 1/2 produces a very steep decrease of the probability
of the next number. That is why we
will use a probability of 1/10 to select all the 6 numbers. What we actually
use is the geometrical distribution.
Note: Only the number of the
subprogram will be assigned differently. In this case 0 will be taken with a
probability of 9/10 instead of 1/10. (Thereafter we continue with 1/10.) This
is so because we do not want subprograms to be invoked too often and the stack
to be populated redundantly. In this way the probability of the return command will be equal to the
probability of invoking a subprogram.
Now that we have explained the generation of commands (one box in the
table), let us explain the generation of one column consisting of MaxSymbols boxes. We will
imagine the command of this machine as a switch with MaxSymbols cases. When we write
program and use a switch, we describe only some of the cases rather than all
cases. The remaining cases are described as default
(i.e. all other cases are the same). A program will be more logical if the same
command applies to the majority of the cases. Therefore, we will select
randomly how many different commands will exist in the column. We will use the
decreasing probability procedure as explained above. Once we know how many
different positions are there, we select randomly which these positions will be
(again, smaller numbers will be more probable). Finally, we populate the
positions that need to be different with different commands, and will put the
same command in all other positions.
So we have an algorithm for populating one column and can populate 1000 columns. In the end of the
process we have the first random Turing machine. This however is a cumbersome
process, so we derive the second machine from the first one just by changing
the first m+1 states (which are special ones) and
another 10 random states. This change is sufficient because the vast majority
of the states are not used and by changing the special states we start using
other states. Thus, the new Turing machine will be substantially different in
terms of the states it uses even though the two machines are almost identical
in terms of their unreachable states.
Discarding the slag
So we have a fast and simple procedure to generate 1000 test worlds. The
problem however is that most of these worlds are useless. Across 1000 worlds
there may be as little as 2 or 3 interesting ones. Therefore, we will discard
all useless worlds and do our test with 1000 interesting worlds.
Example for a useless world is if the very first move leads to a blind
We will verify that a world is interesting by letting the random
strategy live one life in that world. In this life, we do not want to see the strategy
caught in a blind alley. We want at least one victory and at least one loss. We
do not want more than 10 utility draws and utility losses. If all these
conditions are met in this random life, we will deem that the world is
How to construct a test with 1000 interesting worlds? First, we
initialize the pseudorandom numbers generator with the number 0. Then we
generate randomly World Zero. Then we initialize the generator with 1 and apply
a minor change to World Zero so as to generate World 1. If World 1 is
interesting, we set the generator to 2 and generate World 2. If World 1 is useless
we initialize the generator with 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. until we obtain from World
Zero an interesting World 1. We keep going until we generate 1000
interesting worlds. We will not save them all, but will only save an array of
1000 numbers. These are values which we should use to initialize the generator
in order to obtain a new interesting world from the previous interesting world.
Note: Please observe that we select
different Turing machines with different probabilities. These different
probabilities are the different weights of the different machines. We need this
clarification, because we aim to provide an accurate definition of Global IQ.
The definition is:

In this equation, P(TM | Interesting) is the conditional probability that the machine named
‘TM’ is selected if the world is interesting. Success(Strategy, TM) is the arithmetic
mean calculated after the strategy named ‘Strategy’ has lived one life in the
world defined by the machine named ‘TM’. The sum total is across all machines
with 1000 states the worlds of which are interesting.
The above Global IQ practically cannot be calculated and it is the
theoretical value which we try to approximate by means of the Local IQ.
The Local IQ therefore is:

Where TMi is i-th preselected test world (Turing
The final definition
Definition: An AI is any
strategy the Local IQ of which exceeds 0.7.
Here we selected the same value as we did in [3]. Both here and in [3] the value (0.7)
is selected arbitrarily. Likewise, a corporation may announce that it is
looking for a CEO and will be happy to employ anyone who solves 70% of the
problems given in the test. The corporation may have to adjust this level later
if the bar proves too low or too high.
Definition: An AI is any
computer program if the strategy it plays in the first 1000 games is an AI
Analogy with the Grandmaster definition
We will provide another explanation of the AI definition by repeating
the same construct, but this time we will define a chess playing program. We
have already done so in [4], but as the present study revisits and updates the
construct described in [3], here we will also revisit the construct in [4] and
will reflect the relevant adjustments.
We will define a chess playing program as a program which plays like a
grandmaster. If someone wants to be a grandmaster, he or she should earn an ELO
rating (calculated by the ELO rating system) of at least 2500. The bad news is
that the ELO rating calculation is based on his or her performance in playing
against other people. To obtain an objective assessment of how good is the
player, we will replace the other players with a finite set of deterministic
computer programs. Then our chess player will play one game against each of
these other players and his or her result will be the arithmetic mean of the
results achieved in the individual games. In case a player halts (goes cycling)
and does not make it until the end of game we will award a utility victory to
the opponent. The same we will do if the player plays incorrect move. That is,
a program which aspires to become a grandmaster must play correct moves and had
better avoid cycling because in the opposite case we will penalize it with a
utility loss. This applies both to the chess playing program and to computer programs
in the finite set against which we assess the performance of our program.
Which will be the finite set of deterministic computer programs that used
in the grandmaster test? We can take all programs that do not exceed a
predefined length. Most of these will play randomly, will go cycling often and
will make many incorrect moves. It would be reasonable to screen them and leave
only the interesting ones (programs that play too mindlessly are a ballast which
only makes the test more cumbersome). Interesting programs will be those that
do not cycle, do not make incorrect moves and, on top of all, play relatively
When looking for interesting worlds to use in the AI test we used the brute-force
search method. This method will cannot be used here because it is very unlikely
to randomly hit a program which does not cycle and makes only correct moves.
Hence, instead the set of all programs which do not exceed a certain length, we
will take a specific set of programs whereby all programs are interesting (do
not cycle, do not make incorrect moves and play relatively well).
Let us take a particular program, which calculates the next five moves
and distinguishes between three types of positions: winning (victory within the
next five moves), losing (loss within the next five moves) and undetermined
(all other positions). Which move will this program play? It will pick randomly
one of the winning positions. In the absence of a winning position, it will
chose randomly one of the undetermined positions. If an undetermined position
is also lacking, the program will go ahead randomly with a losing position.
What we described above is a non-deterministic program. If we reckon how
many deterministic strategies this program can implement, they are far too many
(but still finitely many, because the length of the game is limited). Each of these strategies is
calculated by infinitely many programs, but we shall assume that for each
strategy we have selected one program which calculates this strategy.
As a result, we obtained a huge set of programs and may be tempted to
say that our ELO rating will be calculated on the basis of the games with all
these programs. Unfortunately these programs are far too many and we cannot
calculate the ELO in this way because of combinatorial explosion. Instead, let
us select 1000 of these programs and calculate the ELO after 1000 games (one
game played with each program). We will select these programs randomly, but
will select them only once and will always calculate the ELO on the basis of
the same test programs.
How can we make a deterministic program out of a non-deterministic one?
That is easy, instead of picking a random move we pick a pseudorandom move.
Before starting the game, we will initialize the random number generator with
the number one (1). Thus we obtain one deterministic program. We need 1000 deterministic
programs. We will initialize with the numbers from 1 to 1000 and will obtain
1000 different deterministic programs (among these 1000 there might be some
identical programs, in particular where the random numbers generator is not as
good as it should be). These will be the programs from which we will derive the
ELO rating.
Let we say that a program will become a grandmaster if the so-calculated
ELO is more than 90%. This is an arbitrary value picked by us. It may turn out
that the value should be higher. We may even have to adjust the test worlds and
ask them to calculate maybe the next 10 moves rather than 5 moves.
Then we stumble upon the crammer issue again. It is perfectly possible to
learn by heart how to beat some of these 1000 programs. Remember these are deterministic
programs and if we beat a deterministic program once we can beat it as many
times as we want by replaying the same game.
A fairly good analogy emerges between the grandmaster and AI
definitions. In the first case we refer to an ELO rating and in the latter case
to an IQ rating. In the first case
we play chess against 1000 opponents and in the latter case we live 1000 lives
in 1000 worlds. The difference is that in the chess scenario we play one game
against each opponent and in the IQ scenario we play one thousand games in each
life. This is so because in the first case the rules of the game are fixed and
it is expected that a grandmaster program knows the rules and knows how to play
(rather than learning how to play while it plays). In the second case, the AI
does not know the rules of life and needs one thousand games in order to
discern these rules and learn how to live successfully.
In this study we described an exam (test) which enables us calculate the
IQ of any program. More precisely, we
specified the program which will conduct the test and tell us what the
candidate’s IQ is. Given the deep granularity of our specification, we can now
relax and ask some student to do the coding for us, perhaps as a course
This program will enable us do the AI test in the matter of minutes.
This the time which the examiner program needs to calculate the test result. We
should then add the thinking time we afford to each candidate. When we consider
AI as a strategy, we need not ask the question of how much time the candidate
will spend thinking. When we consider AI as a program which calculates an AI
strategy, we must announce how much time we afford to the program for
calculating one step.
So, the time for the test will be some minutes to calculate the test
result, plus the thinking time which we afford to the candidate, plus some time
for generation of the test (construction of the array of 1000 numbers). The
last time we do not consider because it will be spend only once.
Let us think about what this test can be used for. If someone comes to
us with a particular program, we would test it and say what the IQ of that
program is. But, we do not have any AI-candidate programs. So we have nobody to
apply this test to.
One possible application of the test described in this study is finding
the AI. We might use the brute-force search method. Of course we can search with
this method, but combinatorial explosion would not let us go too far with this
method. There is, however, a smarter way of searching. We can construct a
genetic algorithm. We will sit at one powerful computer, create a population of
AI candidate programs, and calculate each candidate’s IQ. We shall combine
candidates with higher IQs in order to obtain offspring with even higher IQ. We
shall kill the low-IQ candidates in order to make room for more promising
programs. Using this natural selection approach we shall obtain programs with
very high IQs.
The genetic algorithm is one way of finding the AI, but we will end up with
a program the inner workings of which are enigmatic to us. If we are to control
a program, we better write it ourselves rather than generate it automatically. For this reason, I am a proponent
of the direct approach for creating AI. Therefore, I assert that we should
write this program with our own hands.
I wish to appreciate my colleagues Ivan Koychev, Anton Zinoviev and Andrey Sariev
for the beneficial discussions on the AI Definition topic. Special
acknowledgement to Ivan
for his instrumental contribution to my summary of related work.
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